Monday, September 20, 2021

The Dark Tower Screenplay

Please see the end of part one for the author's thoughts and reasoning.

The Dark Tower I






It is deep springtime. Here are a group of Stonehenge-esque rocks at the outer courtyard of a castle. Pacing slowly at the center is VANNAY, a bent, old teacher in simple robes with sharply intelligent eyes. He carries an ancient tome in one hand and a thin walking stick in the other.


Sitting (crossed-legged and stiffly formal) in a semi-circle around VANNAY are four 14 year-old boys: ROLAND DESCHAIN, CUTHBERT ALLGOOD, ALAIN JOHNS, and JAIME DECURRY.



                        Beyond the Arc o’ the Borderlands,

                        past the Wastelands, and into the

                        heart of End World itself lies

                        The Dark Tower. This you know.

                        There it has stood since before

                        Arthur Eld, before the Old Ones,

                        before time and all things. The

                        Tower. The linchpin at the center,

                        binding time and spa -


A SERVANT WOMAN labors, trimming a hedge at the foot of a stone archway. At the shadowy base of the hedge, two gold-rimmed eyes appear.


CUTHBERT (whispering)



CUTHBERT catches ROLAND’S eye and flicks his chin in the direction of the hedge. ROLAND glances over, spots the eyes, then rolls his own, refocusing on their lesson. CUTHBERT cracks a grin, still watching the bushes.


VANNAY (cont’d.)

                        How the Tower came to rise from the

                        prim, no man nor text can tell, but

                        Summa Theologica hints at some of

                        its purpose: To hold back the void

                        of Todash and all the unspeakable

                        horrors which dwell -


The creature with the gold-rimmed eyes (which looks like a cross between a raccoon, a woodchuck, and a dachshund) pounces from the brush. Its tiny teeth snap playfully at the hem of the SERVANT WOMAN’S dress.



                   Bool! Bush! Bush Bool!


The SERVANT WOMAN screams. The fuzzy little BILLY BUMBLER darts away, disappearing through the archway. CUTHBERT snorts, barely holding back laughter.



                   Apologies sai.


She quickly bows to VANNAY before retreating through the arch.



                   Cuthbert Allgood. Enlighten us on the

                   beams of the Tower. Or perhaps you are

                   not interested in becoming a Gunslinger

                   and would prefer to follow your billy

                   bumbler friend into the West?


CUTHBERT seems to consider the option for a long moment as the other students glare at him. ALAIN elbows him in the ribs.



                   There are twelve of them.


VANNAY’S face has become stone. CUTHBERT sighs.



                   Hare, bear, horse, dog, eagle,

                   elephant -



                   Any ka-babby knows their guardian names,

                   cully. Speak their purpose.



                   Six beams, anchored by twelve portals

                   across Mid-World. They meet at the Dark

                   Tower and support it... somehow. I

                   always kinda pictured it like a clock,

                   you know, except with a bunch of hands

                   instead of just three. Also, I always

                   wondered about the guardians, like, how

                   does a dog hold up a beam, or is it the

                   beam somehow?  Maybe the beam is just

                   dog-shaped, but all stretched out -



                   Gods boy, stop your idiotic prattling

                   before I send you without meals for

                   another two days! Would someone else

                   please say their lesson true, ka-me?



                   There are six beams and twel-



                   You have ken much today, Alain, and

                   remembered the face of your father.

                   Let us hear from Roland for a change.


ROLAND (slowly, specifically)

                   Six beams meet at twelve portals. All

                   cross at the nexus, The Tower. The beams

                   bind time, space, size, and dimension.

                   Without them, all order would fall. The

                   Tower would fall.



                   Dry as this old book, but you say true,

                   sai, and I say thankee. But let us consider

                   the truth behind your recital: If space and

                   time died, how might your own mind fare? How

                   long might you survive should your memories

                   cross with all other possibilities? Did a

                   thing happen? Did it not? And what if both

                   were true?


Mixed confusion and fear passes over the boys’ faces, though ROLAND is thoughtful. VANNAY glances at the sun and shadows and sighs.



                   That is all for today. Best hasten to

                   your lessons with Cort or no doubt he’ll

                   bloody you more than usual.


The four quickly rise and bow.



                   Thank you for this instructive day.


ALAIN, JAIME, and CUTHBERT make for the archway. ROLAND hangs back. CUTHBERT, noticing, waits for him at the hedge.



                   Yes, sai Deschain?




                   The Tower.



                   What of it?



                   You teach that Arthur Eld and the

                   Gunslingers of old were seekers and

                   protectors of the Tower.






                   But no one living has seen The Tower.


VANNAY (cautiously)

                   Some have visions. The Manni folk

                   meditate on it at times... cautiously.



                   My father and his ka-tet... I am to

                   become a Gunslinger as they, but they

                   only range and debate and continue the

                   fight against Farson...


VANNAY lowers his stern facade and lays a hand on ROLAND’S shoulder, understanding.



                   Your father is a great man. A leader,

                   a fighter, and a diplomat. Yet I fear

                   the world is moving on, sai.



                   But if the world is truly moving on,

                   why are they not seeking The Tower,

                   trying to stop it? To fix it?



                   Your father follows his own ka as you

                   must follow yours. Now, onto Cort. We

                   shall speak of this no more today.


ROLAND stands a moment longer, wishing to pursue his train of thought, then finally bows.



                   Thank you for this instructive day,

                   sai Vannay.


ROLAND turns and goes to meet CUTHBERT at the archway.




The training green is a narrow strip of grassy field with a line of pale ghost grass dividing its two halves. The castle of Gilead stands to the East and the crop fields to the West roll out to meet rows of apple trees. A WHITE DOVE vanishes into the branches.


Red splatters across the green grass. CUTHBERT, squinting with pain, struggles to his feet. He wears a leather falconry brace on one arm, its ties dangling loosely. Blood runs from one ear. Behind him, ROLAND raises a similarly-clad arm and DAVID, a large hawk, alights upon it. In a flash, ROLAND cleanly tethers the bird to his arm. ALAIN and JAIME stand at silent attention at his sides.



                   You were slow.



                   I’m sorry, Cort. It’s just that I -


CORT, a bald boulder of a man, wearing patched leather trousers and a threadbare jerkin swings a fist a fist at CUTHBERT’S other ear, dropping him again.



                   Speak the High Speech, maggot.


CUTHBERT is fighting tears, but his face is filled with hatred.



                   I... grieve. I have forgotten the face of

                   my father, whose guns I hope someday to




                   To consider what you did wrong, brat,

                   you’ll bookend your reflections with

                   hunger. No supper! No breakfast! Now

                   let us see if this roont cully has more

                   than shit for reflexes.


CORT waves a hand at ROLAND and he steps forward.


ROLAND (whispering to the hawk)

                   Hai, David. Straight and true.


Crouching, CORT opens a thatched crate and a white dove bursts out in a flurry. At the same instant, ROLAND yanks the rawhide free from DAVID and presses upward against the spring of the bird’s liftoff.



                   HAI, DAVID! KILL!


DAVID climbs high above the dove in seconds, then dives, bullet-fast. The birds meet in a small puff of pink and the dove drops. DAVID lands beside it a moment later and begins feeding. ROLAND runs to DAVID.



                   Finely done! Fine-


As ROLAND crouches and attempts to re-lash the bird, DAVID twists, and jabs his beak, tearing a long strip of flesh from the back of ROLAND’S bare hand. ROLAND tries again, this time, succeeding in forcing the flapping hawk onto his arm. He returns to CORT. The others watch on from behind. CORT nods to the blood dripping from ROLAND’s hand.



                   What’s this, Roland?



                   He struck me.



                   You pissed him off. The hawk does not

                   fear you and never will. The hawk is

                   God’s Gunslinger, boy.


Behind CORT, CUTHBERT sticks out his tongue. CORT steps in close to ROLAND, glaring at his eyes. ROLAND braces for the blow, but holds his ground. After a moment, CORT roughly manhandles DAVID to his own arm and backs off.


Movement from the apple grove catches everyone’s attention. SIX GUNSLINGERS on horseback break from the trees, heading for the castle.



                   Your father’s ka-tet returned from the

                   Uplands. Go. Now. All of you. We’re
                   done for
 the day.


THE CLASS (bowing)

                   Thank you for this instructive day.


As CUTHBERT raises his head, CORT lands a blow to the kid’s gut, doubling him over.



                   You learn, but your tongue has a bad

                   habit of lolling from your stupid

                   mouth when your instructor’s back is



CUTHBERT (gasping)

                   Cort... how?



                   I saw you reflected in this maggot’s eyes.


As shock dawns on CUTHBERT’S face CORT’S fist slams right between his eyes, dropping CUTHBERT on his ass. CUTHBERT refocuses, then looks up with a grin and murder in his eyes. CORT considers him.



                   Perhaps there’s hope for you yet. When

                   you think you can, you come for me,



CORT retrieves the dove cage and a thick bo staff, then departs. ROLAND helps CUTHBERT back to his feet.



                   I’ll kill that son of a bitch.



                   Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

                   Come on, we can sneak some supper in

                   the West Kitchen. Hax will give us




                   He’ll tell Cort.



                   He’s no friend of Cort’s. And what if

                   he did?


CUTHBERT (bloodstreaked and grinning)

                   Fuck him.




SCULLIONS and WASHERBOYS scuttle in the massive kitchen as ROLAND and CUTHBERT weave their way through. Many seem to tense up or shy away when noticing them.



                   So when do you think you’ll earn your

                   apprentice guns?



                   Oh, you mean, ‘When am I going to beat

                   the living hell out of Cort, take his

                   staff, and become a gunslinger?’






                   Shit. Maybe once I gain thirty pounds

                   and grow three inches. Of course, if

                   a bah or crossbah were allowed I’d try

                   the line and twang the bastard to Nar

                   tomorrow. How about you?


ROLAND (smiling)

                   Perhaps I’ll wait for you to soften

                   him up for me.


The boys approach HAX, a massive, jovial man in a soiled apron.



                   Young sais Roland and Cuthbert! What

                   brings you two lads to my kitchen?

                   No, no, let me guess: You’ve finally

                   met your true loves and wish to woo

                   them with the best cakes in Barony.

                   Maybe you’ve heard of your father’s

                   latest victory over Farson’s spooky,

                   evil henchmen and wish for cookies to

                   celebrate their return. Or perhaps

                   that drunken shitheel Cort has cut

                   your rations yet again and you’re

                   here for whatever slop you can get?



                   Right on all accounts, Hax! We’ll

                   take the whole lot!



                   Whatever you can spare, please.


A GUARD, dusted and sweaty after a hard ride enters and catches HAX’S eye.



                   You boys go over to Maggie and see what

                   we have. I’ve got some work to see to.




ROLAND and CUTHBERT are huddled together on the lower steps of a disused stone stairwell. Both dig into a pan of berry pie with their bare hands. A door creaks and they look up.


ROLAND (whispering)



The two race down, around a long-forgotten cart with a busted wheel, and beneath the stairs just in time.



                   The Good Man says two weeks. You have

                   to get it done and -


CUTHBERT looks shocked and mouths “FARSON” to ROLAND. There is a CRASH of pots from the kitchen and the GUARD’S words are drowned out.



                   - poison the meat.



                   Risky. How does Farson say it’s to be




                   The crates will be marked with the eye.

                   Small, bottom corner, in your cold room,

                   next delivery.


ROLAND’S eyes have gone dead, flat. GUNSLINGER eyes.



                   Poisoned meat. And what about the




                   There are more children outside Gilead.

                   Outside this castle of lies. It’s the

                   children we - he - cares     about.



                   Strange way to care for children...

                   Will they curdle and hold their

                   bellies and cry out for their mammas?



                   It will be like going to sleep.



                   Of course. I’m sure.



                   Do you enjoy seeing children under the

                   rule of the gun when they could be under

                   his hands? Who makes the lion lay down

                   with the lamb? Do you question your

                   orders? Do you question The Good Man?



                   No. No. It will be done. I’ll do it.



                   Long days and pleasant nights, Hax.



                   And may you have twice the number.


As HAX and the GUARD exit, ROLAND meets CUTHBERT’S eyes. The cold death in ROLAND’S stare is reflected in CUTHBERT’S.




ROLAND’S father, STEVEN DESCHAIN, looks utterly out of place in the cushy room. He is thin, tall, with a handlebar mustache and the twin Guns of Eld at his hips. Face dripping over a washbowl, he meets his son’s eyes reflected in the mirror.



                   The head cook of Gilead.


ROLAND, standing at attention, stares back.


STEVEN (cont’d.)

                   Imagine it! The railroad destroyed in

                   the Uplands, the dead in Hendrickson,

                   What might he or his scullions have

                   overheard then shared with him?

                   Imagine! How many dead from just one




                   One in our own kitchen.



                   Hax was your friend, he fed you two

                   even after Cort’s orders. Tell me,

                   does it prey on you? That your friend

                   will now hang, as you well know. You

                   knew this, and still you told. Why?


STEVEN is half undressed, his body a road map of scars. He considers his son carefully. ROLAND shrugs, unsure of what his father is asking.



                   How could I not? It’s treason -



                   TREASON? If you told me for such a

                   cheap, schoolbook idea, you did it

                   unworthily! I would rather see all

                   of Gilead poisoned!



                   I didn’t! I wanted to kill them, both

                   of them, right then and there! Liar!

                   Snake! Bastard! He... he...






                   He hurt me. Changed me. I wanted to

                   hurt him for it.



                   That is worthy. Not moral, perhaps, but

                   morals may forever be beyond you. You

                   are not quick like Cuthbert or Alain,

                   but that may yet be alright. It will

                   make you formidable.


ROLAND’s mother, GABRIELLA enters. She is beautiful, dressed as though she has just come from a formal outing, but is slightly red-faced and breathless.



                   Steven, you’re back early! The railr-


Upon seeing her son, she stops, then begins to apologize and exit.



                   Gabriella, wait. We are nearly done.



                   Hello, mother.






                   I shall set the hanging for tomorrow at

                   noon. I expect your friends will wish

                   to attend...



                   I do as well.



                   Not as formidable as I thought! Or

                   perhaps just stupid! Very well. Go

                   then, if you must. Aye, Cort will

                   likely demand you see this lesson

                   through either way. Now leave us.


ROLAND bows, then exits, leaving his parents facing each other in silence.



Hello dear fellow readers,

Anyone interested in seeing the Dark Tower series fully and faithfully adapted to film may have followed the turbulent history of its production.  Darabount wanted to do it, Akiva Goldsman gave it a shot, even J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof had some leaked pre-vis of Tull out there.  Lots of big names, lots of opportunities, lots of challenges.

And that is where we come in.

You see, I'm nobody when it comes to Hollywood.  Just one more Constant Reader who loves the story of the Tower.  And the telling of that story on the Big Screen has always intrigued me.  It is not an easy story to tell.  Triple overlapping flashbacks in the first book alone, and so much world-building that to run at the thing directly is... well, fucking impossible.

But I never stopped thinking about it.

How could it be done?  Where was the beginning?  And then I thought about how I teased the story when trying to rope my friends and family into reading a 4,200+ page series?  I began by earmarking a page in Wizard and Glass, but that's not all.  It was a puzzle, a game I played in the back of my mind each time I re-read the works or re-listened to the audio books.

Then I found a key.  At least I think I did.  I suppose that final call is up to you based on the handful of scenes above (and those which are yet to come).  Better yet, I know that same key can unlock the rest.  

So what's next?

Now we come to the purpose of this blog.  Any prospective screenwriters out there can attest to the following:   Were one to attempt to mail or email or even hand deliver  a printed copy of the above screenplay to any published author or actor (or otherwise famous or well-placed) person who might be interested in making it, they would never see past the cover.  Their agents and lawyers would have (probably rightly so) INSISTED they NEVER accept ANY unsolicited work ...for their own protection.  I'm not going to dig into the reasons or nuances for that here, but (sigh) I suppose I must accept it.

But better than that, I can exploit a loophole.

The internet, by and large, is free reign.  So, following in the steps of Jason Pargin or hell, even E.L. James, I can publish my vision here.  As the lovely, considerate, and hilarious author Christopher Moore once told me, "[publishing on the internet] might make [the lawyers] heads asplode trying to figure out if they have the rights."

I'll take that chance.  What do I have to lose?  Some bigwig or established writer steals my shit?  I mean, I'd dig the cash, but big picture, I'd really just love to see it done right.  And I think I'm on the right path (you know the one I'm talking about).

So if you like what I've written, a share on social media will go a LONG way toward making these words a reality.  Give it some attention, spread the word, and hell, this is your chance to directly influence the end product.  I hereby swear to read and seriously consider every single comment and suggestion for as long as this blog shall live.   

So let's see what we can do.  Together.  As K

Always yours,
Sean J. McCoy

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